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Long Lake Board

Long Lake Improvement Program Annual Budget


Improvement                                                            Annual Cost

Aquatic Plant Control

Plant Control Oversight/Project Administration

Bathymetric Mapping

Website Maintenance/Updates

Contingency Funds









Meetings are held in person at the

Pavillion Township Hall

7510 East Q Ave.

Scotts, MI 49088


2024 Meeting Dates:


Lake Surface Area                                                             496 acres
Maximum Depth                                                                   57 feet
Mean Depth                                                                          9.2 feet
Lake Volume                                                            4,543 acre-feet
Shoreline Length                                                               6.3 miles
Shoreline Development Factor                                                  2.0
Lake Elevation                                                                     856 feet

Physical Features

The Long Lake Governmental Lake Board was established under Part 309 (Inland Lake Improvements) of Michigan’s Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. In accordance with the act, the Long Lake Governmental Lake Board includes a lakefront property owner, a representative from each local unit of government abutting Long Lake, the county drain commissioner (or designee) and a county commissioner.


At a public hearing held on July 14, 2021, the Long Lake Governmental Lake Board approved a new five-year lake improvement program that includes aquatic plant control, aquatic plant control oversight/coordination, information and education, and hydro-acoustic bathymetric mapping of the lake bottom. The program began 2022 and will continue through 2026. Program activities in Long Lake are coordinated under the direction of the lake board’s environmental consultant, Progressive CompaniesMinutes from this public hearing can be found here.


At a second public hearing held on August 11, 2021 challenges to individual assessments were heard. A resolution was passed authorizing the assessments to be collected for the next five year period. Minutes from this public hearing can be found here.

Long Lake has a legal lake level of 856.0 feet above mean sea level established by circuit court order.


Based on information from the Michigan Geographic Data Library, Long Lake is the 220th largest lake in Michigan. Click here for a downloadable copy of Long Lake Facts & Figures.


Long Lake flows into Austin Lake which flows into the Portage River, the St. Joseph River, and eventually into Lake Michigan. The elevation of Long Lake lies approximately 276 feet above Lake Michigan.


© 2024 Long Lake Governmental Lake Board

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